Welcome to MH21A.com
/Welcome to MH21A.com! This is the realization of a slowly developing concept. The old 21A in the trees has haunted me for years. But what to do with it? I always kept my eyes open for other 21A’s in case I needed parts but had a full life and did not need a life-consuming project such as fully restoring a combine. A few years ago it dawned on me that the 1-acre tract I owned on the highway would be a perfect place to park the old girl “in her working clothes”. I could replace the wooden parts and make her look respectable. But she had been robbed of some essential parts. I inquired about a machine in Roger Mills county Oklahoma and found I could have it for the taking. Another machine a few miles away in Hemphill county Texas provided additional parts a reasonable price. Three trips with my Suburban and bumper trailer yielded two combines (one with the header and one minus header).
I started using the internet to research the history of the combine and found the 21A had a major impact on the history of the self-propelled combine. Initially information was pretty scarce. But over the years it has become much more available.
I want to share not only what I learn but sources of additional information as I develop this website. It is a work in process. Growth will be slow but I hope steady as I get time to share what I have learned.